SON05 A Ridge holder, suitable for sheet metal roofing GERARD, DECRA, HOSEKRA, ALUMET, METALKO, METROBOND, ISOLA, ROSER, METROTILE etc., at the same time as roofing, attached to the ridge batten.
SON004 A Roof conductor holder, suitable for attachment to parapets with a sheet metal border.
SON014 Ridge holder in a set with seal and screw, suitable for straight and corrugated bitumen roofing TEGULA, GUTANIT, ONDULINE, already covered sheet metal roofing GERARD, DECRA, HOSEKRA, ALUMET, METALKO,...
SON03 SON03 Ridge holder, suitable for roofing such as ESAL (straight roofing), ETERNIT etc.
SON03 SON03 Ridge holder, suitable for roofing such as ESAL (straight roofing), ETERNIT etc.